As the US markets were quiet again yesterday, I would just like to show you a trade I was following yesterday on the 3min DAX. This shows you the true power of MTPredictor and what the tools in the software are capable of.............. When I see markets unfolding like this, I am still truly amazed !
Here we had a perfect High Volume (VSA) spike at DP support, that nailed the low perfectly. Then the Dax rallied into the higher DP, but look at how thew rally unfolded, a perfect minor 5 wavers, with the high right at the Typical Wave 5 WPT ! When markets unfold like this, it amazes me and show hwo good the tools in MTPredictor really are !
The result, a lovely +6R Profit (ignoring slippage and commission).
This is what MTPredictor can do, and is why I spend so much time trying to get you all to make the transition to an Advanced Trader, as there is so so much more that MTPredictor can offer you......................
Thanks, Steve