Hi Everybody,
However, just because one market is going through a hard patch does not mean that they all are. Of you look at the chart on the right you can see how the 3min DAX gave us another beautiful trade this morning.
The TS3 buy nailed the low of the day. The markets then rallied into a DP sell setup where a +7.5R Profit was available.
For those of you are more advanced, you will have noted (no chart) that the larger degree 15-min picture was unclear as we got into this DP sell. In some of my posits below I suggested not “stopping and reversing” form a good trade into a weaker trade that was against the 15min chart. But what happens if you are sitting on a good profit (+7.5R) and the larger degree trend is unclear ? Well, common sense should kick in. In this example that meant protecting the larger +7.5R Profit and then avoiding the new DP sell.
As you can see, there is a lot of common sense in trading that can only be gained by experience, and that is what it means to be a good
advanced trader.....
As a PS, the 5min Chart had also made a nice 5-wave rally which was another raeson to anticipate a top and therefore look to portect the proift on the currnet long trade as the high came in