Thursday 3 September 2009

3min YM

Other markets had some more activity, for example the 3min YM, please see the chart to the right. Remember, on days like this look to play both sides of the market and look to bank profits early, as you are only anticipating a narrow range day with small and choppy swings

Thanks, Steve

The Day after..............

Hi Everybody,

Pop Quiz – what should you expect on the day “following” a wide range day (like Tuesday) ? Exactly – a narrow range and choppy day with small swings. And that is exactly what unfolded yesterday (wednesday).

So how should you trade these types of days? (I have mentioned this a number of time before). Exactly, look to bank profits earlier, and even take both sides of the market (longs and shorts)

On the ES, this meant one nice DP long trade (that nailed the low of the day !) for a nice +2.9R Profit (ignoring slippage and commission)

Thanks, Steve