As the ES reached the first target the STF strength band was exceeded so you should have swapped to the ATRStop. Also “knowing” that you were in the direction of the new 15min down trend would have given you added confidence in looking to run this short trade further....
This held the short trade as the ES started to collapse. The ES fell sharply right into the close where a massive +11R Profit (ignoring slippage and commission) was available.
Now do you all see how quickly the markets can put you back into Profit. We had a horrible day on Tuesday with 5 straight -1R losses, and yes, overall it was a losing day. But with only -2.3R loss, do you see how this was still very very small to the massive +11R Profit that market came back with for us the very next day ! This is why I take so much time to teach you how markets really unfold, so you are not disappointed after a hard day, so you do trade the next day when the big profits come though again. This is why MTPredictor is so brilliant, because it keeps the losses small when then come through, but then maximises the profits on the good days for you !