Friday, 13 November 2009

TS3 sell later in the day

That was not the end of it, there was a nice TS3 sell that unfolded a little later in the day as well.

This time the STF was weak, so the projected targets were used. But this still resulted in a nice +3R Profit (ignoring slippage and commission).

I hate to finish 3 days of such huge profits with a warning. But just as after a period of hard days, we are likely to then enter a period of profitable trades. Now, after 3 very good days, the probabilities are that we will be heading for some harder days soon. This is just the Natural Cyclical Nature of Trading.

Thanks, Steve

3min TS1 sell on the 3min YM

Hi Everybody,

It is very nice to be in the “good part” of the cycle at the moment, with yet another good day on the US e-minis yesterday. I particularly liked the TS1 sell on the 3min YM, please see chart to the right. Niote that although there as a “history” triangle, this was not a loss, as this first short was not stopped out, as there was a double top. Remember, the history triangles are “filled” trades and not “failed” trades. Please see the video on the v6.5 support page.

Anyway, the YM declined nicely and as the STF was strong, Standard Traders would have swapped to the ATRStop for a nice +4.6R Profit (ignoring slippage and commission). Advanced Traders would have thought about locking in nearer +6R Profit as the Typical Wave 3 WPT was reached. Either way, this was a good start to the day :)

Thanks, Steve