Tuesday, 1 September 2009

3 and 15min in perfect sync

And here is the 15min Chart...............

Do you all see how the FTSE was bouncing off 15min DP support as the 3min TS3 (then TS4) buys came in ? In other words, both these 3mnin buys were “in the direction of” the larger degree 15min Chart

Thanks, Steve

3 and 15min in perfect sync

Hi Everybody,

A great example of how the 3 and 15min charts work in sync with each other has just unfolded on the FTSE today.

Please see the chart to the right, here you can see a TS3 buy, then a TS4 buy again later (if you missed the first TS3 buy). The STF was strong, so the Standard Traders among you would have then used the ATRStop to run the trade. The more Advanced Traders among you would have noticed that the FTSE had reached the Typical Wave 3 WPT, so maybe was a good idea to look to tighten stops.

The result was a nice +5.6R Profit at the Typical Wave 3 WPT (ignoring slippage and commission)

Thanks, Steve
Hi Everybody,

There have been no posts for the last few days as it was a holiday weekend here in the UK :-)
