I do get asked sometimes about how to use the STF “colour”. Well, for the “Standard trader” we only consider trades that are “with” the STF colour, i.e. Blue (or Black) for a buy and red (or black) for a sell. It does not matter whether the STF is above or below the 0 line, we only use its colour.
The 3min YM yesterday was a good example................ Here the first two sell setups were not valid as they were “against” a blue STF. But the TS4 sell later in the day was when the STF was Black (neutral) so was OK to take.
The result was a nice +4.7R Profit (ignoring slippage and commission) as the YM continued its decline into the close.
Note: The trade management swapped to the ATRStop when the STF was strong (beyond its strength band) as the YM short reached its first Profit target....
Thanks, Steve
PS, this was found using the full MTPredictor v6.5, see the Advanced Blog for the RT add-ons.