Thursday, 29 April 2010

YM as well

The 5min YM got in on the act as well, with a small Profit towards the end of the day. Making yesterday another good day overall

OK, we have had two very good days now, and I never like giving bad news, but after a period of good trades we should always keep in mind the “Cyclical Nature of Trading”. And just after a quiet period or some small loss we would expect some good trades to come though (which just have), likewise, after a period of good trades, we should be preparing for the hard part of the cycle to come round again............

This is just the Natural way markets unfold, but because so few vendors are Traders themselves, you well very rarely hear about this because most vendors simple do not know or understand how markets unfold in the Real World.

So we should, be thankful for the good Profits, but now is not the time to get complacent........

Thanks, Steve

Another good day

Hi Everybody,

Well, the Profits continue to come in, with a lovely +4.7R Profit (ignoring slippage and commission) on the 5min ES yesterday. Yes, this followed buy a -1R loss, but this loss was a lot smaller than the profit, and as you all should know by now, this is the key to long term trading success – keeping the losses small and Profits large.

That was not all, the YM came in on the act later in the day as well, next post

Thanks, Steve