Friday, 17 July 2009

3min Russell – TS3 long for +6.2R Profit

Hi Everybody,

What a brilliant day yesterday on the 3min TF (Russell Index). After a quiet day on Wednesday (we all know and understand about the Cyclical Nature of Trading now :-) ) we had a TS3 buy, off which the Russell rallied strongly.

Using the Standard trade management guidelines meant swapping to the ATRStop one the STF had exceeded its strength Band. The result, a very nice +6.2R Profit (ignoring slippage and commission).

What a brilliant day !



S&P – Daily Chart update

Hi Everybody,

Well, the S&P has reached the minor DP (form the prior minor wave b high) level now, so a minor high “may” unfold in this area.

We will have to wait and see what the markets decides to do. But either way, we have “projected in advance” a level where we focus on for a possible minor high. Remember the DP stands for Decision Point, so the market will make a “decision” here, put in a minor high or push through strongly.

