But for me the “trade of the day” was the DP buy on the 3min NQ, as this nailed the very low of the day for you !!
As you can see from the chart, standard trade management guidelines swapped to the ATRStop once the STF strength band was exceeded. The result as a massive +8R Profit (ignoring slippage and commission).
OK, I know what you all asking, why take DP’s as they are more of an advanced technique. Well, the exceptions are when they fall in line with “larger degree” support or resistance (on the 15min chart) or they are et the end of 5 swings. Well guess what ? This 3min DP was bang at 15min DP support as we will see in the next post, so was a real beautiful trade....
But the main point here is how after a few hard days along comes some massive profits, so you have to be in the right frame of mind to take full advantage of these. Too many amateurs have a few loses and then give up, so they are never there to make these big profits.....
Thanks, Steve