Here we had 4 trades on the 3min YM, a losses then a +3R Profit, then we avoided the TS4 sell in the afternoon as it was against the trend, then had two further losses later in the day. 3 losses and 1 profit seems terrible, BUT, and this is the IMPORTANT POINT, even with 3 losses and only 1 profit you were actually “break-even” for the day. This was because the losses were kept small at just -1R and the Profits large at +3R.
This is so important, keeping losses small and profits larger during the bad times, Amateur traders simply do not understand that this is how to protect your valuable trading capital when the inevitable losses come though.
So here were are with (on the surface) a terrible day, but MTPredictor has preserved your trading capital for you. This is the true strength of good trading.....
Thanks, Steve