The YM then moved higher nicely, until we reached a potential TS4 sell. OK, here you are, in a profitable long trade “and” the larger degree trend is UP, so should you swap this strong (with the trend) and profitable position to a new short weak (against the trend) position ? I think you should all know the answer by now – No.... This then held the long into the next DP target (just before the close) for a nice +3.6R Profit (ignoring slippage and commission).
Add this +7R to the +6R profit from the day before, and do you see now why I talk about the Cyclical Nature of Trading so much. These are the “good times” and have come after a few harder days last week. It is so important to understand how markets unfold. Days like these do not unfold every day, but they are there. Your job as a trader is to keep your capital intact during the harder times, so you are ready to make the most of days like these....