Yesterday I looked at a massive +13R Profit on the 5min Dax, where you had to be an Advanced Trader to squeeze that last R profit from the trade. But it is sometimes a lot easier than that. Today I would like to look at a Standard TS4 sell setup that unfolded yesterday, again on the Dax, that made another massive profit, this time +12.6R, but the difference is that it was managed using the standard trade management guidelines.
As you can see, this TS4 sell nailed the high on the Dax perfectly, the Dax then collapsed, but (and here is the important point) as the STF exceeded its strength band all the standard traders among you would have swapped to the ATRStop. This held the short until eventually being stopped out for +12.6R Profit (ignoring slippage and commission). But again, this was made just using the standard trade management guidelines
So the European traders among you have been having a great time with two +12R trades in just the last two days !!