This turned out to be the high of the day (!), with the YM declining nicely into the opposing DP target for a nice +4.6R Profit (ignoring slippage and commission)
What a day, 4 automatic trades, -1R, +3.6R,+3.6R and +4.6R for a +10R (approx) day overall............
As we have seen, not all days are as good as this, but as we have been following the cyclical nature of trading, day by day, can you all how see how a good run of days, was then followed by some harder days, where some small losses unfolded, which was then followed by some massive profits again. This is how trading unfolds in the real world. Do not expect to make profits every day, have the patience discipline and knowledge to expect good times, then harder and quieter times before the good times come round again.....