As I have already said, the newer, or less experienced traders among you should have passed on this trade as it was against the 15min chart. BUT for the more advanced and experienced traders among you, you could have taken the trade, but (and this is the advanced part) knowing that you were against the 15min trend you should have been looking to move your initial stop to break-even quicker than normal to protect the trade quicker.
Doing this would have protected the trade while still allowing it to unfold, just in case it was one of those times when the Elliott Wave pattern was out of sync and the 3min moved against the larger degree trend.
As you can see this would have worked well and allowed you to profit for a nice +3.2R trade as the ES made the initial profit target.
Trading is a funny business, as sometimes you can do the wrong thing and still make money on an individual trade, What we are doing here is still playing the probabilities by taking account of the larger degree trend, but still allowing the more advanced traders among you a way to benefit if the unexpected happens. Being wrong and still making money :-)