Hi Everybody,
Unlike most Gurus and software vendors, I do go out of my way to show losses and hard times ! But then, you should all know about the Cyclical nature of Trading by now, so what comes after a run of good and profitable trades ? Exactly some harder times, and that is what we got on Friday. And to keep this Blog even fairer I want to look at the 3min YM which had the hardest day on Friday. Again, there are very few software vendors that will go out of their way to show the hardest and least portable examples. But then we are different at MTPredictor, and want to show you how the “real-world” unfolds. There is too much snake oil and rubbish in this industry, I wish more Gurus were more honest with how the real world really unfolds !
As a professional trader you have to understand and accept that all days will not be easy. Your job is to keep your trading capital in tact during these harder time so you are ready to make the most of the good times, like we had earlier in the week.
Anyway, as you can see there were a few sells as the market continued higher, so no wonder these did not work out. BUT, the 15min trend was up at this time, so you should have been focusing on Long’s and not Short trades, thereby avoiding these potential losses.